Regina Ju-Chun Chu

Regina Ju-Chun Chu

Present Position:Associate Professor, Institute of Learning Sciences and Technologies, National Tsing Hua University
Office:Education Building, 221
Highest Degree
Ed.D. in Adult Education, Rutgers University, USA



  • RESEARCH INTERESTS: Online Learning, Adult Education, Human Resources Development

  • DISCIPLINE: Instructional Strategies, Adult Education, Online Learning



  • Associate Professor, Institute of Learning Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University
  • Associate Professor, Center for Teacher Education, National Tsing Hua University

  • Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

  • Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Adult Education, National Chi-Nan International University



JOURNAL (*correspondence)

  1. Yang, F. Y.; Liu, S-Y.; Hsu, C. Y.; Chiou, G. L.; Wu, H. K.; Wu, Y. T.; Chen, S.; Liang, J. C.; Tsai, M. J.; Lee, S. W. Y.; Lee, M. H.; Lin, C. L.; Chu, R. J.; & Tsai, C. C. (2016). High-school students' epistemic knowledge of science and its relation to learner factors in science learning. Research in Science Education. (SSCI).
  2. Chu, R. J. (2014). Gender differences in perceived equality and personal knowledge system development on personal learning network. Open Journal of Social Science, 2(12), 56-62.
  3. Chu, R. J. (2014). Empowerment online: Feminist adult learning strategies. Creative Education, 5(3), 141-144.
  4. 朱如君(2013)。幼教從業人員之工作價值觀、個人-組織契合度以及個人組織承諾關係之研究。幼兒教育,312, 52-60.
  5. Chu, A. Z. & Chu, R. J.* (2013). Service willingness and senior tourists: Knowledge about aging, attitudes toward the elderly, and work values. Service Industries Journal, 33(12), 1148-1164. DOI:10.1080/02642069.2011.628659. (SSCI, Impact factor: 1.021, rank: 113/184)
  6. Chu, R. J.*, Chu, A. Z., Weng, C., Tsai, C.-C. & Lin, C. (2012). Transformation for adults in an Internet-based learning environment – is it necessary to be self-directed? British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(2), 205-216. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2010.01166.x. (SSCI)
  7. Chu, A. Z. & Chu, R. J.* (2011). The Intranet’s role to newcomer socialization in Taiwan hotel industry: Technology acceptance model analysis. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(5), 1162-1178. (SSCI, Impact factor: 0.856, rank: 63/89, 國科會管理學門推薦期刊) (NSC96-2511-S-011-002-MY3, NSC 90-2416-H-011-013, NSC90-2413-H-031-002)
  8. Chu, R. J. (2010). How family support and internet self-efficacy influence e-learning outcomes among higher aged adults: Analysis of gender and age differences. Computers & Education, 55(1), 255-264. (SSCI & SCI, Impact factor: 2.06, rank: 9/139) (NSC96-2511-S-011-002-MY3)
  9. Chu, R. J.* & Chu, A. Z. (2010). Multi-level analysis of peer support, Internet self-efficacy and e-learning outcomes: The contextual effects of collectivism and group potency. Computers & Education, 55(1), 145-154. (SSCI & SCI, Impact factor: 2.06, rank: 9/139) (NSC96-2511-S-011-002-MY3)
  10. Chu, R. J.*, Chu, A. Z., & Jin, N. S. (2010). Educational Internationalization in Asian Countries for Advanced Human Resource Development : A Comparative Study of Study Abroad Policies. 台灣科技大學人文社會學報,6,1-28。
  11. Chu, A. Z., Chu, R. J.*, & Jin, N. S. (2010). International student recruiting policies in Asia Pacific Countires : A comparative education study. 台灣科技大學人文社會學報,6,29-62。
  12. Chu, R. J.* & Tsai, C. C. (2009). Self-directed learning readiness, internet self-efficacy, and preferences toward constructivist internet-based learning environments among adult learners. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 25, 489-501. (SSCI, Impact factor: 1.31, rank: 27/139) (NSC96-2511-S-011-002-MY3)
  13. 朱如君*、朱子君、林嘉純(2009)。部落格與成人學習---女性主義教育學的觀點。教學科技與媒體,89,55-68。
  14. Lee, C.-H.*, Yeh, D, Kung, R. J., & Hsu, C.-S. (2007). The influences of learning portfolios and attitudes on learning effects in blended e-learning for mathematics. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 37(4), 331 – 350. (was SSCI, 國科會科教處第2.4級期刊)
  15. 朱子君*、朱如君(2009)。大專院校學生創業概念發展之探討:以資訊類科學生為例。創業管理研究,4(2),1-23。



  1. Chu, R. J. (2014). A Comparative Study of Engineer Education in Four Asian Countries: Student Competences as APP Developers. International Journal of Arts and Sciences’ Conference, London, UK., Nov. 4-Nov. 7.
  2. Chu, R. J. (2014). Equality: The effects on self-directed learning readiness and learning satisfaction for adult learners. International Conference on New Horizons in Education, Paris, France, June 25-June 27.
  3. Chu, R. J., Chu, A. Z., Tu, Y. L., Lee, S. N., & Chiang, C. T. (2013). Competencies for software designers. International Journal of Arts and Sciences’ Conference, Bad Hofgastein, Austria, June 17 – June 21. NSC 101-2511-S-007-003-MY2.
  4. Chu, R. J.*, Chu, A. Z., Chang, W. C., & Lu, L. Y. (2012). Leader-member exchange quality, culture and behavior outcomes for college staffs. Interational Journal of Arts and Sciences’ Conference, Rome, Italy, Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2012. NSC 101-2410-H-007-069
  5. Chu, A. Z., Chu, R. J., & Chang, W. C. (2012). From student, apprentice to entrepreneur: an analysis of entrepreneurial education curriculum and internship design to tourism education. International Journal of Arts and Sciences’ Conference, Rome, Italy, Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2012. NSC 99-2511-S-152-009
  6. 朱如君*、連玟雅、李施琳(2012). 中高齡資訊判準能力對網路醫學健康資訊使用態度之影響GCCCE 2012全球華人計算機教育應用大會,屏東墾丁, 201252861日。
  7. Yu, K.-H., Tu, Y., Chu, R. J.*, & Chu, A. Z. (2011). Relevance criteria of online health-related information for higher aged adults: A scale development. Paper presented at the International Journal of Arts and Sciences' Conference, Rome, Italy, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 2011.
  8. Chu, A. Z., Chu, R. J., & Chang, W. C. (2011). Gender differences in perceived equality and personal epistemology development: An analysis of webloggers. Paper presented at the 2011 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology, Yokyo, Japan, January, 18-20.
  9. 黃瑞君、游凱翔、朱如君(2010). 公司網站內容對使用者訊息互動行為影響之研究。台灣教育傳播暨科技學會2010國際學術研討會,淡江大學20101211
  10. Chu, R. J. *, Chu, A. Z., Weng, C. & Weng, A. (2010). A voice from weblogs: the development of a scale for feminist learning strategy. Paper presented at the 2010 Asia-Pacific Technology Enhanced Learning Conference, Kansai, Japan, Sept. 24-26.
  11. Chu, A. Z., Chu, R. J.*, Chen, H. J., & Chyi, S. (2010). Tourism Blog Readers: the Use and Gratification Theory for Accessing Tourism Blogs. E-tourism development conference 2010.  Paper presented at the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Tamkang University, I-lan, Taiwan, May 21, 2010.
  12. Chu, A. Z.*, Chu, R. J., Shih, H. Y., Lin, Y.L. & Chung, Z.Y. (2010). The Analysis of Blog Application in Tourism. E-tourism development conference 2010.  Paper presented at the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Tamkang University, I-lan, Taiwan, May 21, 2010.
  13. 朱子君*、朱如君(2009). 餐旅創業人力培育─建立創業能力指標。餐旅教育課程、教學與學習學術研討會。高雄餐旅餐旅學院。20091218
  14. 朱子君、朱如君*(2009). 工作價值觀之影響─以旅遊從業人員以及相關科系學生為例。餐旅教育課程、教學與學習學術研討會,高雄餐旅餐旅學院20091218
  15. Chu, A. Z. & Chu, R. J.* (2009). Socialization by intranet system in the hotel industries. Paper presented at the International Journal of Arts and Sciences' Conference, Gottenheim, Germany, Nov. 9-13, 2009.
  16. Chu, R. J.* (2009). Transformative Learning, Self-directed Learning Readiness and Constructivist Internet-based Learning Environment Preference for Middle Aged and Older Adults: A Developmental View. Paper presented at the International Journal of Arts and Sciences' Conference, Gottenheim, Germany, Nov. 9-13, 2009.
  17. Chu, R. J.*, Chu, A.Z., Weng, C. & Weng, A. (2009). Adult learners’ perceptions of peer support, Internet self-efficacy and e-learning outcomes – The group level effects of collectivism. Paper presented at the Technology Enhanced Learning Conference 2009. Taipei, Taiwan, October 6-8, 2009.
  18. Wang, S.-L.* & Chu, R.J. (2009). The role of collective efficacy and collaborative learning behavior in learning computer science through CSCL. Paper presented at the ITiCSE 2009, Paris, France, July 5-9, 2009.
  19. Chu, R. J.*, Tsai, C.-C., & Weng, C. (2009). Internet self-efficacy and preferences toward constructivist Internet-based learning environments among adult learners. Paper presented at the ED-MEDIA 2009--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Honolulu, HI, USA, June 22-26, 2009.
  20. Chen, H.-L*, Chu, R. J., Fei, Y.-M., Chu, L. J. (2009). Elementary school teachers’ perceptions and behaviour in integrating the Internet into instruction. Paper presented at the CAL 09’: Learning in Digital Worlds. Brighton, UK. March 23-March 25, 2009.
  21. 朱如君*、蔡幸芸、傅桂(2009),個人工作價值觀與個人與組織契合及組織公民行為間關係之研究,2009 第二屆科技與知識管理研討會,台南麻豆真理大學,2009227
  22. Chu, R. J.*, Chen, H.-L., Lee, H. & Lin, C. (2008). Learning Influences of Family Support and Self-directed upon the Internet Self-efficacy of Middle Aged and Old Adults. Paper presented at the Technology Enhanced Learning Conference 2008. Hanoi, Vietnam, December 4-6, 2008.
  23. Chu, R. J*., Weng, C. & Chu, A. Z. (2008). Can Social Supports in the Classroom Overcome Disadvantaged Backgrounds of Middle Aged and Older adults in Internet Learning? Paper presented at the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, November 17-21, 2008.
  24. 朱子君、朱如君*蔡幸芸(2008)。台北市各級學校群組及夥伴關係之研究。第三屆通識教育與國際文化學術研討會,真理大學,2008510




  1. Dialectical self/holism belief held by female student engineers and their relations with ambivalent emotions, stress, learning attitude and achievement in an inquiry-based learning environment (104-2629-S-007-001-MY2)
  2. Innovativeness: A comparative study of Information engineers (II) (103-2410-H-007-050)
  3. A comparative study of competency for APP developers and curriculum designs for information engineering education (I)(NSC 102-2410-H-011-015-)
  4. Transactional equality and online learning of higher aged adult women (NSC 101-2511-S-011-003-MY2)
  5. Competency structure for APP designers (NSC 101-2410-H-007-069)
  6. The contextual effects of collectivism and group potency for adult e-learning outcomes (NSC 99-2511-S-011-003-MY2)



  1. Evaluation of IDEA@COE model for developing engineering students’ creative problem solving abilities.  (103-2511-S-007-006-MY3)
  2. An evaluation on young scholar study abroad programs. (NSC100s-011)
  3. The role of Internet Self-efficacy plays on learning. (NSC96-2511-S-011-002-MY3)